Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Is It All Just an Act?

I believe that if Hamlet did love Ophelia, he doesn't anymore. He's manipulating Polonius (possibly just for fun out of his madness) by taunting him with showing affection for Ophelia, but doesn't really care for her. He thinks she is frail, as all women are, and basically calls her a whore ("Get thee to a nunnery."). He calls Polonius a "fishmonger", alluding to him as a "pimp" selling away his daughter. He then tells Polonius that if he lets his daughter out of his sight she will conceive. At first I saw this as Hamlet hinting that would be the one to make her conceive (whether or not that is what we intended, I don't really know). I don't believe this would be out of love, but just as a taunt to Polonius. I think Hamlet knows that Polonius believes Hamlet is mad out of love for Ophelia, and so Hamlet is toying with Polonius. Again, this could be just for fun, not actually part of his revenge plan. So at this point, I do not think Hamlet loves Ophelia.


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