Thursday, November 29, 2007


Art is a form of expression. It comes from your response to the things around you, whether it from be ideas, nature, people, etc. So what better way to describe art as a mirror you hold up to society? When you look in a mirror, you see things the way you want to see them - you see yourself based off of your preconceived ideas about who you are, not as others view you. It's the same with art. When a person creates art, he/she are expressing the way they see the world. Holding a mirror to society is the perfect analogy for it. If a person sees something wrong with society, he/she will focus on it, either to simply expose it for what it is, or perhaps to show how the world would be a "better place" without the problem. It goes hand in hand with the artist's worldview. No person can be completely subjective: bias always weasels its in way and manifests itself in any art form, be it paintings, plays, movies, newspaper articles, writing in general, everything.

So yes, I agree with Hamlet.


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